Advent is such a special time of the year. It is the time that Christmas decorations go up and we begin to consider the first coming of Jesus, His birth and the second coming of the Lord. It is a time of reflection, as well as a time of being thankful to God, as we remember what the Father was willing to do for the people of the world, sending His own Son.

The first commandment is to love God with all of our heart, mind and strength. Such love changes us. Even more, it produces in us acts of love and thankfulness towards the people around us, as a declaration of love to God.

God’s love is always searching for hearts willing to receive it and welcome it as theirs'. This is the reason why Christians serve the Lord with joy and gladness, for God’s providence in our lives.

As we draw closer to Christmas, it is too easy to spend time thinking about the things that we don’t have. Let me invite you to stop thinking about what you don’t have and instead reflect on the things of value that you do have. Let us have hearts of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is a great time of the year to count your blessings. If you need help with this, call me and I will gladly help you.

A heart of gratitude is a heart full of joy and life. God has called us to be salt and light on the earth. This is the season where we can be there for one another. I know many of you are looking forward to seeing some of your family over Christmas, but others may spend Christmas alone. Please, consider ways to bless them and be there for your church family, Christ Church.

As I said on Sunday, earthly things will fade away, but your eternal legacy will remain in the hearts of those that your purpose and destiny has reached in Christ Jesus.

All of us are called to live and share God’s amazing love, and this is expressed best when we walk in faith, hope and love. Then, we are truly disciples of Jesus in this day and age. This could look like going the extra mile for those in need; speaking God’s truth, even when it is not popular; or just being there for someone that needs you. There are many ways that the Lord calls us to act and bring good deeds for His glory. Just be open to what the Lord wants to do through you.

The first coming of Jesus was the greatest act of love that has ever been seen in the world. The Father gave His only Son for us, and The Son freely gave His life for our sins. This is why we are sent to call people to God’s love. Pure love does not expect anything in return. We love because we have been loved first by the Lord God.

Let us follow His example, Christ Church. Let us arise and shine for the Lord has come and is among us.

Every blessings,

Bishop Josep Rossello